Oh my star
Oh my star

We've spent a lot of time reading your Twitter feed, and we know that you love wordplay. TAKEI: And it's become my personal catchphrase.ĮISENBERG: That's fantastic. So whether I'm there or not, whenever someone says or does something outrageous, he presses a button, and my voice comes on saying oh, my. TAKEI: I said, are we on the air? And he said, yup. And he says, oh, you have a deep voice you must have a big dong. And here's this skinny, tall, wild-haired guy with glasses sitting behind the mic. And then the woman came and said, we're ready for you in the studio and ushered me in. And he said, that's the show we're waiting to go on. TAKEI: And I said to the other guy sitting there also, why don't they get some nice music on? You know, this discussion is really disgusting. And I was in the waiting room, flipping through magazines. And one morning I had this address on Madison Avenue, and I went there to do that promotional gig. And when you're doing a play, you're given an assignment to go and talk about the play on, you know, radio, television.

oh my star

TAKEI: I didn't know that certain person from Adam at all. One mistake I made was saying it on a certain person's radio show. You know? You see a beautiful sunrise - oh, my.

oh my star oh my star

GEORGE TAKEI: Well, I've been saying that - as I'm sure all of you have been - throughout your life. But what is the origin of that becoming your catchphrase? Now please welcome back our VIP, star of the Broadway musical "Allegiance," George Takei.ĮISENBERG: (Laughter) Now, George, you have a catchphrase which is - I'll do my impression - oh, my.

Oh my star